On May 13, tons of non-perishable foods were collected during the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) “Stamp Out Hunger” food drive in the Charleston, WV region. United Food Operation (UFO) leaders called it a success for which they are thankful.

The generous donations from postal patrons across the Kanawha Valley area will be put to use quickly in supplying food pantries across Kanawha and Putnam counties. The Stamp Out Hunger food drive has annually been an important boost to food charities in our region.

NALC makes important donation
United Food Operation, Inc. is happy to partner again with the NALC in sorting and distributing the donated food, which will be sent out to area food pantries on Tuesday. Twelve geographically-distributed independent food pantries in the Kanawha Valley will receive the foods at no cost.

To further assist Charleston area food security efforts this year, the National Association of Letter Carriers national office matched a $2,000 donation by NALC Branch 531. The $4,000 total will be used by United Food Operation to purchase additional food to distribute to food pantries.
Stamp Out Hunger involves lots of folks
On Stamp Out Hunger Day, residents around the region set out donations of non-perishable foods next to their mail boxes. The food is then collected by their USPS letter carriers as they deliver mail. The letter carriers take the food to central post office facilities at the end of their routes.
With the assistance of volunteers from the West Virginia National Guard, the food is taken from outlying post offices to the main post office in downtown Charleston. The food is consolidated into large bins, which at the end of the day are delivered to United Food Operation’s warehouse in Institute, WV.

Working at the Charleston Main Post Office on Saturday were NALC members along with UFO leaders, and volunteers from local charities. NALC Local 531 provided pizza and soft drinks to volunteers helping aggregate the foods on Saturday. That gesture was greatly appreciated.
United Food Operation helping since 1981
United Food Operation, Inc. is an all-volunteer food bank serving 12 food pantries in Kanawha and Putnam counties. UFO is funded with donated monies from area businesses, AFL-CIO affiliated union members and other workers and citizens of the Kanawha Valley area, along with small grants and contracts from government agencies.
UFO operates from donated warehouse space provided by Altivia Chemical at the Institute Industrial Park, and utilizes donated equipment from MH Rents. Together these things keep operational costs at a bare minimum and allow food purchases to be maximized.
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